Teaching with experience through excitement
Zimex provides trainings to its own flight crew and instructors and offers a variety of training solutions to other operators. Our trainings offer a 360° approach and address all employees on all operational levels. With our more than 50 years of experience and thanks to our roots and versatility, we have developed a range of training programs tailored to the industry and people needs.
Solutions for our flight crew
- A constructive and trainee-centered training system
- A sound trainer’s standardization program
- A training and checking system that integrates Technical and Non-technical trainee performance
- A competency and evidence based training
- An EASA ATO (Approved Training Organization) that offers EASA class and type ratings, EASA license conversions or instructor ratings.
- Assistance to obtain/revalidate class and type ratings under any other ICAO national license regulatory requirement
Solutions for operators
- A “full package” fleet (DHC6, PC6T, ATR42, ATR72) training implementation plan
- Training manuals and pilot training (EASA or others)
- Standardization and training of your instructors/examiners
- Operation manuals and syllabus
- Assistance in your aviation authority’s training approval process
- Assistance to meet OGP/BARS training requirements
- Change your flight crew safety behavior through a constructive training system